We need more umps!
These puns are all shit btw and are subject to change
Model: Ump45
Rarity: Primordial
Accuracy: -15% to -20%
Clip: -5
Damage: 20%
Firerate: 10% (this is low b/c ump fires pretty fast)
Mobility: 5%
Stability: -25%
*has a 1 in X (x being 10-15) to place "cal-traps" at a players feet for Y secs (Id say 5-10 secs) doing 5 damage (subject to change) per step, however it allows the player to jump without taking damage. Stacks
Desc: Nobody moves and noone gets hurt
Model: Ump45
Rarity: Primordial
Accuracy: -20%
Clip: -5
Damage: 10%
Firerate: 15%
Mobility: 10%
Stability: -25%
*Has a 1 in 3 (might be too low) chance to absorb a bullet; the player still takes full damage, however the bullet is "added" into their clip. I.e. If I survive an awp shot and the trait procs the next bullet I shoot will do the same damage an awp shot does, while still being affected by the stats of the gun. (Probably a coding nightmare and far too op, but by far my favorite idea)
Desc: I'm rubber you're glue...
P-Ump it
Model: Ump45
Rarity: Legendary
Accuracy: 10%
Damage: 15%
Firerate: 10%
Mobility: 5
Stability: -27%
*Has a 1 in 5 to jerk the player in a random direction, (not the camera) But has a 1 in 8 to backfire moving you instead. (A trait geared towards being annoying, not necessarily good)
Desc: Just holding this weapon makes you want to move
While we're messing with umps... buff the banshee's trait. 5 dmg is horrible, at least make it a fraction of the damage they did to you.
Please scream at me about how bad these are