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News Flash: Minecraft is a Woman-Murdering, Sexist game that Should Be Banned

All this patriarchy running wild.

Seriously doe, it would be a lot faster for them to name the shit they aren't bothered by.

I'm fairly certain its impossible.

sexy characters like Bayonetta are "objectified" = patriarchy
ugly/making them more realistic (like with tomb raider) is taking away their femininity = patriarchy
no female main characters= patriarchy
I've seen complaints over female villains because its depicting women as evil, but female heroes are also sexist because they are usually defeated in some way by the villain, which is disempowering.

Of all the feminist shit I've read, I still have no idea what kind of game they fukn want. Even anita's game idea was sexist according to her standards.

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RE: News Flash: Minecraft is a Woman-Murdering, Sexist game that Should Be Banned - OpTicX420xSpoonx360XFaZe - 02-07-2015, 08:23 AM

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