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Another unban? [Terminatior Mat]

(10-23-2016, 12:50 AM)nield Wrote:  Maybe you say the "soft" version a lot around your friends (The fuck does that even mean anyway? Why should one be considered bad and one okay when they mean the same fucking thing anyway?) but I swear to god I heard a hard "er" at the end of the word. I dunno. Maybe it's because when we Aussies say them, there is literally only the tiniest difference of inflection in the two, but I swear I heard "er" and I'm going to stand by my ban. If it gets overturned it gets overturned.

Revise: Basically you could have talked to me instead of banning me instantly, I responded to you yet, you didn't say anything back??? Basically if you've not noticed, I have a bad verbal slur when I speak, my words sound quite uh.. eh sometimes, I kinda just pause and stutter sometimes too, so I dunno, maybe you heard me but I know I wouldn't say that man.


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RE: Another unban? [Terminatior Mat] - Terminator Matheus - 10-23-2016, 12:57 AM

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