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Another unban? [Terminatior Mat]

(10-23-2016, 01:05 AM)nield Wrote:  I get that 'Nigga' is supposed to be 'okay' I just don't get why it should be.

And is N****r the only bad word? What about coon for example. means the same thing I don't see any shit about it. In Aus we even have a cheese brand called Coon cheese, so doe that make it okay for me to say the word, even though it had racist connotations or what?

Also, I asked in chat if anyone else heard you say N****r and two people said yes.


For one, Tobias and Degen don't like me so I really wouldn't take two biased-ass opinions, we've had a similar situation where Hockey was banned like this, and your example really doesn't do any justice here. I get that you want to stick to the past or something and keep nigga a word out of the server, but it's kind of a just, random thing I say without even thinking about it. And no, it's not the only bad word, we have plenty of racist words we CANNOT say, like k*ke. My point to you is, you don't know me, all you know is that I'm on watchlist and that you thought I said the hard-N word, I'd rather we settle this if you'd friend me and we can TALK over this so you atleast get to know me for more than a minute of TTT gameplay. I ain't ever trying to cause any issues here, I really don't WANT trouble nor do I wanna be banned. You see, I've made a ton of good friends here and I have a lot of people here that I'd consider some of my best friends, I hang around these guys every day and I wouldn't ever regret it. You gotta understand that, I feel at home now and I wouldn't want to randomly cause trouble in my own home, would I? I'd only wish you KNEW me instead, this wouldn't have happened nor blown out of proportion like this.


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RE: Another unban? [Terminatior Mat] - Terminator Matheus - 10-23-2016, 01:11 AM

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