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Another unban? [Terminatior Mat]

(10-23-2016, 02:11 AM)Brassx Wrote:  
Quote:» Racism | CONTEXT is CRUCIAL when it comes to deciding a punishment. This can be a warning to a perma ban. It all depends on the context. If you are unsure, contact a higher staff or Brassx/Grassx.
I have updated the staff punishment guide to include this, any objections?

Again the reason why we are a little 'loose' on the rulings, is because of a few things. Context determines a lot when it comes to this. We do not want to be some super stressful environment, where a minor slipup will get you banned. Our goal here from the get-go was to be more laid-back than other servers, but not so laid back that we allow straight disrespect/racism.

I personally believe If it's not directed at someone personally, the severity should go down quite a bit. Not to say that it's "Okay" but to let them know "Hey, that's not allowed, please refrain from making such statements.". OBVIOUSLY, the more times someone breaks a rule, the more severe a 'minor slipup' can be seen as.

That was a much needed change. Anyway, to another point, I don't really see Nield's proof in any of this aside from someone saying they heard it, in accordance with this brand spankin' new rule update, I would have not directed it at anyone at that moment anyway. I'd say the new update on it is better tho.


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RE: Another unban? [Terminatior Mat] - Terminator Matheus - 10-23-2016, 02:15 AM

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