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MrWuwu |Meta Gaming Complaint|

I don't think it's really needed to punish him as he didn't metagame.

I don't see the point in reporting something someone has said unless they are threatening the server, being racist, being disrespectful to others, or spamming.

If he said that and then everyone agreed and then set up some kind of boosting party then that would be much different

(11-24-2016, 03:09 PM)Cuckbois2001 Wrote:  Weather it was a joke or not, its not cool to joke around about breaking the rules.
I don't see a problem with joking about breaking the rules, I joke about it sometimes too.

Every time I join the discord I always ask "who wants to ghost". It's obviously a joke, but I can see why it's confusing when other people say it.

It's just a part of being in lax community, no need to take it seriously all the time.

Messages In This Thread
RE: MrWuwu |Meta Gaming Complaint| - Kuro - 11-24-2016, 04:12 PM

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