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Trail Mix's Long List of Ideas and Suggestions

I don't like infinity very much. I've tested glock damage with 10%. Its about 21 HS damage. A gun with an infinity clip that takes 5 Headshots to kill will do better than any gun that has to reload. Besides, all that I need to do to increase accuracy again is stop firing apparently.

Unless you give the speaker some distinct look, it will be broken. Shotguns can kill when they're up close anyway, why give it more damage. +50% damage is insane for a shotgun. Not only that, but +25% is nonsense to add upon it. -10% damage then +5% when they're standing still. I know all of the other stats are bad, but then why even bother using it if it's only usable if you're severely close to them at all times.

Panicking A.A.A.A-249 seems kinda bad? What if there's no ammo on the map? It seems like it would only work if you used a dimension crystal with it. Whats stopping the player from quick switching or swapping to another weapon while using it?

Pepper S & Salter S, Does flame stack? Does one go away when the other is proc'd? Is it even worth it to keep switching out?

Slicer [Deagle] seems pointless to the point where people use deagles for headshots usually.

Escape route seems like it needs reworked. +50% mobility is crazy. Imagine that on a speed round. -50% firerate is a crazy nerf too. I couldn't imagine this being equally used as a innocent because it doesn't seem practical other than running away from multiple traitors which isn't usually done unless you are the last one.

I don't generally agree with anything with decreased bullet speed because any GUN in the gamemode has practically point and click properties.

Alot of these weapons seem like they could go a tier lower.

Tester Repellent: at the moment, traitor testers are broken. This was tested on Traitor motel and 67th way. both show traitors as innocent...Could be slightly useful if that's fixed. If it gets fixed, it would need a limited use maybe in seconds, which people would just keep testing you.

Flashlight of Revealing: Bear traps and Barnacles are actually VERY visible. I hardly get caught in either of them if they're out in the open. Hardly worth a credit.

I remember seeing something about multiple credit items on the forums. I can't find it. TTT wasn't meant for it or something. Balancing issues iirc.

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RE: Trail Mix's Long List of Ideas and Suggestions - TJ1524 - 04-28-2017, 05:24 PM

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