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Kunai Quality of Life Suggestion

(05-27-2017, 05:43 AM)TJ1524 Wrote:  
(05-27-2017, 05:06 AM)amac Wrote:  To rap things up: They ain't reliable, some quality of life changes would be great. And if you made it this far, plz buff so I can sell for much moneyz <3

I offered and I can increase it if you want, but you only wanted to sell to fancy.

Nuu u ken nevur haz mah kunaiz... You can only have my love <3.

Messages In This Thread
Kunai Quality of Life Suggestion - fancy - 05-21-2017, 03:57 AM
RE: Kunai Quality of Life Suggestion - amac - 05-27-2017, 05:56 AM

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