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is it really that rare?

(02-19-2015, 11:55 PM)TobiasX Wrote:  
(02-19-2015, 11:54 PM)TheEpicZephyr Wrote:  
(02-19-2015, 11:50 PM){PSG} Maximus3131 Wrote:  
(02-19-2015, 11:40 PM)TheEpicZephyr Wrote:  You can customize the placement of this on your playermodel?

Does that mean you can put in on your crotch and make it look like youve got massive yellow pubes?

Yes you can, great idea. Even though i think that might be against the rules.

Why would it be against the rules?

The fact that it could look like giant yellow pubes?

I had a bomb boner for a while, then people were like "THATS AGAINST THE RULES, REMOVE IT NOW OR IM REPORTING U 2 BRASSXXX"

Really? I want to see this in the rules
Fuck the max 2 image limit. (Imagine happy asian guy here)

Messages In This Thread
is it really that rare? - redmoonwolf498 - 02-19-2015, 07:24 PM
RE: is it really that rare? - Bottle4 - 02-19-2015, 07:59 PM
RE: is it really that rare? - Aresuft - 02-19-2015, 08:41 PM
RE: is it really that rare? - Bottle4 - 02-19-2015, 09:28 PM
RE: is it really that rare? - McNuggie - 02-19-2015, 11:34 PM
RE: is it really that rare? - TobiasX - 02-19-2015, 11:55 PM
RE: is it really that rare? - TheEpicZephyr - 02-19-2015, 11:56 PM
RE: is it really that rare? - TobiasX - 02-20-2015, 12:25 AM
RE: is it really that rare? - Baggins - 02-20-2015, 12:39 AM
RE: is it really that rare? - Brassx - 02-20-2015, 12:51 AM
RE: is it really that rare? - TobiasX - 02-20-2015, 01:14 AM
RE: is it really that rare? - Mougwi - 02-20-2015, 01:11 AM
RE: is it really that rare? - Brassx - 02-20-2015, 01:46 AM
RE: is it really that rare? - Mougwi - 02-20-2015, 01:59 AM

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