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halamans member app #something


I think not promoting you would be giving the member rank too much meaning but I also feel like you've sort of gone out of your way to make becoming a member so difficult

I generally know you but since your last application you took time back and just shut yourself out of the community when people called you and your behavior toxic.
It may have been discouraging but going out of your way to block people who give you honest feedback is something no one applying for member should do.

A few of people felt bad for posting on your last application and would like to have just ignored this one but they may feel like they owe it to you.

You're a good guy and I've never found you annoying in the slightest, but I would like you more if you made it easier to support you.
So I want you to talk more with people so you can show them that you're better than what they may have thought.

Best of luck.

Messages In This Thread
halamans member app #something - halaman - 07-19-2017, 10:10 PM
RE: halamans member app #something - fancy - 07-25-2017, 07:49 PM
RE: halamans member app #something - Bri - 07-26-2017, 04:10 AM
RE: halamans member app #something - Kuro - 07-26-2017, 09:18 AM

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