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Daniel/McNuggie's 1yr Ban Appeal

First off I'd like to thank you for the sincerity and honesty in the post, it's tough to give an accurate representation of what actually happened so I'll give a few additional links for anyone more curious

The "Nuggie Ordeal" by Brass K.

Nuggie's apology and Last Post the original apology

Appeal #1 Appeal #2 ban appeals

The thread you're on right now you dingus go read it

With everything in mind, considering what you did and the amount of effort you went through after being demoted from the most trusted position I can understand completely why you were banned and why people would never support an unban and I'm sure you do as well.

From a community aspect I consider it to be irredeemable, the fact that you were supposed to be the most trusted rank on the server and a community role model and the resulting behavior of being demoted caused this is reason enough to deny this and all appeals permanently.

From a personal aspect after you did what you did I lost one of my good friends from NTG and all of my trust in you or who I considered you to be at the time. That's not how I want this story to end, I'd like to leave off on a happier note but it's proving impossible. Consider that you've already served the community as an admin and if you've come back you have 0 chance of ever being staff again.

The most that you can hope is that if unbanned you can prove that you've matured and clear your name.
The most the community can hope is for someone we can play with that possibly isn't going to be banned with a few days.

That said I'm going to remain neutral, +0 but I want you to redeem yourself as my friend and as a member of the community.
Best of luck

Messages In This Thread
RE: Daniel/McNuggie's 1yr Ban Appeal - Kuro - 08-07-2017, 10:58 PM
RE: Daniel/McNuggie's 1yr Ban Appeal - Axe - 08-12-2017, 05:12 PM

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