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Slight buff to gift packages

(08-20-2017, 03:56 AM)Bathory Wrote:  imo empty crates are too common of an occurrence, how about pseudo rng applied to empty crates. (like 5 empty in a row = freebie itemcrate1)

And yes i understand it scales with levels but its entirely possible to constantly roll empty every single crate you ever open.
That's not accurate. Past level 70 there's 0 empty slots. Here's the level layouts for amount of items put into random slots (remember there's 9 slots total):

Level 1 - 9: 2-5 items placed.
Level 10 - 19: 3 -7 items placed.
Level 20 - 29: 4 - 8 items placed.
Level 30 - 39: 5 - 8 Items Placed
Level 40 - 49: 6-9 Items placed.
Level 50 - 59: 7-9 Items placed.
Level 60-69: 8-9 Items placed.
Level 70 or higher: 9 Items placed at all times.

It's not just an animation here, the array of slots is filled randomly with something, or with an empty slot. Each level range having different ranges of empty slots. So the slot you pick is empty because you literally picked an empty slot, not because it's chosen for you when you first click 'open' like normal crates.

(Basically it picks a random number of items to be placed based on values above, then goes through and places a random item in a random slot until said number of items have been placed)

Messages In This Thread
RE: Slight buff to gift packages - Bacon - 08-20-2017, 01:18 AM
RE: Slight buff to gift packages - Bathory - 08-20-2017, 03:56 AM
RE: Slight buff to gift packages - Brassx - 08-20-2017, 04:53 AM
RE: Slight buff to gift packages - Bathory - 08-20-2017, 05:57 AM
RE: Slight buff to gift packages - Kuro - 08-20-2017, 01:20 PM
RE: Slight buff to gift packages - Kuro - 08-20-2017, 01:34 PM
RE: Slight buff to gift packages - Kcat - 08-20-2017, 01:59 PM
RE: Slight buff to gift packages - Bacon - 08-20-2017, 02:17 PM
RE: Slight buff to gift packages - Brassx - 08-20-2017, 07:05 PM
RE: Slight buff to gift packages - Bathory - 08-20-2017, 09:55 PM
RE: Slight buff to gift packages - Bathory - 08-20-2017, 10:57 PM

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