10-03-2017, 12:58 AM
Part of why it is no good IMO is the spawning cluster fucks on certain maps. It feels like half the win is down to the luck of where someone might spawn. Someone can spawn right behind you and if they get the jump on you, you're fucked. It can happen a lot and THAT is what causes the frustration and rage I think. It's easy to say it doesn't suck when you get a decent run of spawns and nobody spawns behind you ready to kill you while you're busy dealing with someone else but other than the occasional luck you might get I really don't find it enjoyable at all. Also there's too many mini-games as it is IMO and this is my least favorite. People can simply not like it and want it to be removed, they don't need to have a pin-pointed reason as to why it isn't fun to them. Also saying that wanting to remove a mini-game is disrespectful in a community where a lot of decisions are made by the people of the server is pretty dumb.