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Daniel/McNuggie's 1yr Ban Appeal

So this is a very hard subject for me because i admit i wasnt around for any of this so im not sure what much happened other than stories ive been told and read stuff from the forums. However ive known nuggie for years and during all that time he never seemed to go too far off the deep end, always had moments of salt and toxicity but i havent seen anyone who hasnt. I think that if nuggie wants
to try to play on frg again, he will need to closely watched and people are talking about no staff but i dont think he should even hold member if he doesnt represent what the community wants. +1 to unban and close watch with no member

Messages In This Thread
RE: Daniel/McNuggie's 1yr Ban Appeal - Axe - 08-12-2017, 05:12 PM
RE: Daniel/McNuggie's 1yr Ban Appeal - wind - 11-11-2017, 08:11 PM

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