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Unique/special weapon: Lord's Wrath.

(05-07-2018, 02:02 PM)SP1D3RP1G Wrote:  I like it.

Name suggestion: Timelord's Vengeance

"Lord's Wrath" was actually born of a situation from the old NTG server where a lot of weapons ended up with screaming popup effects that obscured the screen and greatly irritated my ears since I seemed to be the only person on the server to buy quality headphones. The first version of the weapon was a direct counter to these effects with it's original bouns: Purity Seal.

Purity seal reduced the effect duration by X seconds or so, and sometimes negated things directly. Since that's not as much of a problem here I went with another idea that came up later, which is what you see posted now.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Unique/special weapon: Lord's Wrath. - Lord of Darkness - 05-07-2018, 03:05 PM

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