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Bow aoe nerf

I would personally like it if you couldn't trigger the AOE pre-round as it's frequently used to troll people by dropping the AOE on large clumps of ammo, or in the path of many people.

(05-13-2018, 11:16 PM)tobiasxz Wrote:  (and you can kos people doing it for t baiting)

Also, when I've KOS'd people for doing this I've had people go "Well you can't KOS off weapon" so this isn't really a valid thing.

Messages In This Thread
Bow aoe nerf - Excel - 05-13-2018, 10:21 PM
RE: Bow aoe nerf - Alex Summers - 05-13-2018, 10:24 PM
RE: Bow aoe nerf - Nytemart - 05-13-2018, 10:53 PM
RE: Bow aoe nerf - Anthony - 05-13-2018, 10:59 PM
RE: Bow aoe nerf - Terran - 05-13-2018, 11:04 PM
RE: Bow aoe nerf - the_naughtybear - 05-13-2018, 11:04 PM
RE: Bow aoe nerf - tobiasxz - 05-13-2018, 11:16 PM
RE: Bow aoe nerf - Anthony - 05-13-2018, 11:46 PM
RE: Bow aoe nerf - Lord of Darkness - 05-13-2018, 11:57 PM
RE: Bow aoe nerf - tobiasxz - 05-14-2018, 02:56 AM
RE: Bow aoe nerf - Lord of Darkness - 05-14-2018, 05:22 AM
RE: Bow aoe nerf - tobiasxz - 05-14-2018, 11:32 AM
RE: Bow aoe nerf - Kuro - 05-14-2018, 11:51 AM
RE: Bow aoe nerf - Lord of Darkness - 05-14-2018, 09:52 PM

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