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Remove ttt_black_mesa_east_v1_fix

Well, it doesn't hurt TOO much. I find it super annoying (Outside two helicopters can be triggered and they mow everyone down), while the inside is completely poisoned and you die slowly. There's a lose-lose situation, its very annoying to be a Detective or Innocent, because a huge part of the map is cut off. What's worse is that a Det can hide in a very remote part of the underground, buy a health station and easily survive the rads, leading to the T's trying to kill him to be very wounded, especially going past all of the bullshit doors.

Leads to some really stressful moments.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Remove ttt_black_mesa_east_v1_fix - Terran - 03-02-2015, 04:16 PM
RE: Remove ttt_black_mesa_east_v1_fix - Bottle4 - 03-02-2015, 07:10 PM

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