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Economy Update Suggestion Megathread

You forgot the thrakos on your little list at the top.

Glad to see its not a huge wall of text asking for EVERYTHING IVE MADE to be changed. Glad you guys seem to like most of it for the most part.

Everything is subject to change, so I'm down to rework some of it. But I do need a small break for a day or two (I'll still work on some stuff/fix things, but I won't devote 100% of my time to it).

I'm working on figuring out a better way to implement the water gush on the Railgun, but I'm not sure how. It doesn't really shoot enough/often enough for a proc on shot to really do anything for it.

I want to mention that you can use the new tart for more things:

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RE: Economy Update Suggestion Megathread - Brassx - 07-02-2018, 08:18 PM

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