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AUGs need ranged damage drop-off and less accuracy

(08-19-2018, 03:09 AM)MicroBoss Wrote:  
(08-18-2018, 02:50 PM)Alex Summers Wrote:  The azuredge is pretty op honestly. And you can 100% Kos off books what are you on about

HOW??? you dont know who the fuck did what to you.
1. teleport, you can instantly kill someone with it. and you get no circles under your feet like they USE to have so you dont know who did it to you because if you kos someone where you were last at thats kos off location
2. Grims Book. i know only one person has it BUT you cant do shit when he does use it since again NO CIRCLE UNDER YOUR FEET. and if you kill him thats kos off weapon.

Plus Azuredge  was already nerfed, it having good statues is because its a godlike. other tiers of augs suck. and have something negative. also its reload and Stability is SHIT.
Just be some gun is better then Heroic Galil doesn't mean its OP

idk if your game is broke or what but there are circles from the grimoires, on you and the person who did it. the only time you can even kill someone with it is if on the off chance you're on a really tall map with lots of places to fall and you see someone either standing still or moving in a straight line.

i dont know how you honestly can defend the azuredge, unless you're one of the people who use it in ttt all the time. the thing mows down people in seconds as a gun itself, not to mention its proc that by its self has around enough damage to kill someone, AND it tracks them too.

Messages In This Thread
RE: AUGs need ranged damage drop-off and less accuracy - Alex Summers - 08-19-2018, 03:43 AM

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