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AUGs need ranged damage drop-off and less accuracy

I've been saying this for awhile, that AUGS are insane. But even still, not many use them.

There's actually a decent amount of weapons that deal more DPS than the Azuredge. Saying it mows people down in seconds means nothing because so do default augs, galil, MAC10s, vectors, etc.

A sub-par heroic AUG only shoots 1 lest bullet per second. That's not what makes it stronger than a normal AUG (augs are powerful anyways).

What makes its base weapon so strong is the reload animation length, but that affects the most on PvE, where you WILL empty an entire clip into something, and need to reload many times (not many times you will have to do this vs players). it wasn't intended as I didn't make its reload animation, but I see nothing wrong with a Godlike outclassing primordials from time to time. There's a vast majority that simply don't, nothing wrong with having some that actually do, and it doesn't affect very much because PvE is NOT PVP.

A lot of you have the assumption that Power Creep is like the devil. Some form of Power Creep must exist to keep things going/interesting. The more 'firendly' way to do it, is to ensure the power creep is only in one specific aspect. I don't usually make weapons that are directly more powerful than the older best items, in most aspects(Heroics have been in since day 1 with barely any stat changes, I haven't made many items actually better than them), but I've decided it's perfectly fine to have the Azuredge that way for PvE and dethrone heroic/galils with it.

Keep in mind, I'm not saying It doesn't need to be nerfed(that reload speed is nuts), I'm just saying I want it to keep its role as the strongest PvE weapon, for now, so any changes I make to it will not change that fact, it will just help make the gap not so wide/not as strong in PvP, so it's not insanely better, but enough to keep them up there.

I should also note, that 1. you can shoot the Azuredge balls to disperse them. But they probably share the same bug as the deathbringer balls now have, so I'll look into that. and 2. They are designed to stop tracking after entering a certain radius of their target, meaning you can dodge them. Also the closer the target is, the less energy-balls that come out of the initial proc too.

It's funny though, just look at how much the opinions have shifted around. When I applied the -15% reload speed, people freaked out saying the gun was ruined.

I'm also surprised kuro didn't mark this thread dumb, considering how he feels about damage falloff

Messages In This Thread
RE: AUGs need ranged damage drop-off and less accuracy - Brassx - 08-20-2018, 10:43 AM

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