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[CHANGE] Snowglobe

One of the reasons why switching weapons doesn't apply, is because the globe entity itself needs to be present for the storm to work properly at the moment.

Messages In This Thread
[CHANGE] Snowglobe - Jerk Butt - 09-03-2018, 06:05 AM
RE: [CHANGE] Snowglobe - Unpoke - 09-03-2018, 06:13 AM
RE: [CHANGE] Snowglobe - Kuro - 09-03-2018, 06:18 AM
RE: [CHANGE] Snowglobe - Brassx - 09-03-2018, 04:57 PM
RE: [CHANGE] Snowglobe - TJ1524 - 09-03-2018, 05:14 PM
RE: [CHANGE] Snowglobe - God. - 09-03-2018, 05:38 PM
RE: [CHANGE] Snowglobe - TJ1524 - 11-11-2018, 05:00 AM
RE: [CHANGE] Snowglobe - Alex Summers - 11-11-2018, 05:02 AM
RE: [CHANGE] Snowglobe - Axe - 11-11-2018, 05:41 AM
RE: [CHANGE] Snowglobe - No Dick Nytemart - 11-11-2018, 05:13 PM
RE: [CHANGE] Snowglobe - Unpoke - 03-14-2019, 02:33 AM

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