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[Nerf] Oracle Shield and Firerate[Implemented]

(09-13-2018, 04:32 AM)Kuro Wrote:  I actually agree with 4k man that this is an ideal situation to add a damage dropoff similar to frostburns to the oracle

Following the logic of the frostburn damage dropoff this is the only option that makes sense. Any impact on firerate would decrease the value of the oracle

Yes I'm still mad

That would not fix the underlying issue. Which is that people can use unorthodox methods to turn it into an -ABSOLUTE HIGHEST DPS WEAPON IN THE GAME- at any range.. The firerate of the Frostburns was nerfed long before the long-range headshot damage was nerfed. This is one of the most accurate weapons out there and based on the M1 Garand rifle, which is more or less a DMR. Regardless of what you say, semi-auto rifles are typically medium to long range weapons.

The reason this is also an issue now is that Tobias designed the weapon on 33 tick TTT. Which halves the firerate. Once we went back to 66tick it became an absolute monster.

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RE: [Nerf] Oracle Shield and Firerate - Brassx - 09-13-2018, 05:19 AM

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