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Survive and whether it should stay or not.

(09-28-2018, 11:45 PM)Brassx Wrote:  I'd like to just add a start to finish 'opt in' type thing to it, like a 'final boss' you can get to, once you beat it, it ends it for ya with bonus loot for beating it, that way current loot doesn't need to really be adjusted (it gets crazier towards the end). I just don't have the time right now to do so.

Like I said before, speeding up round-states is a big no. People worked their asses off for their current records, anything that changes the round-state up that much would be unfair.

I have to say as someone who held the record for some time after a 9 and 1/2 hour run I'd rather have given up the record if people could enjoy and do survive more
The early rounds really start going sluggish especially if you choose to go for the staff and if someone dies/ splits from the main group for whatever reason.
Most runs that go to 24 end up running about 2 hours which is very long compared to other events. The loot is very lackluster when you can run survive for 2 hours and get less bone crates than a single horus kill.

Survive is one of my favorite events but that's despite all of the problems I have with it. It's one of those events I'd love doing solo/streaming just to see where I get myself to.
Hell I could see it being it's own open game mode where anyone can just drop in at any time and play it however they want. It's call of duty zombies in GMOD, it could and should be very popular.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Survive and whether it should stay or not. - Kuro - 09-29-2018, 02:40 AM

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