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Staff Guide!

Congratulations! You have made it as a trusted staff member on FRG! Before you get started there are a few things you should know. Let us start with the commands.

+Member: (This is not a staff position but it is still important to know what is going on. +members will handle RDM ONLY.)

ulx votekick              (shortcut = !votekick "name")
ulx nrslay                 (shortcut = !nrslay "name")
ulx aslay                  (shortcut = !aslay "name" "number")
ulx voteban              (shortcut = !voteban "name")
ulx noslay                (shortcut = !noslay "name")

Note that as a +member you can only target other +members and below. Also if you aslay someone and need to cancel it noslay WILL NOT work. Noslay is for cancelling nrslays only. To cancel an aslay simply type !aslay "name" 0. The 0 represents that you want to slay them 0 times. Also note that staff will be looking to you for help with handling some RDM if they get overwhelmed. You ARE allowed to help when staff are on unless they ask you to let them handle the reports themselves.


ulx afk                     (!afk "name")
ulx asay                   (!asay "message"
ulx aslay                  (!aslay "name" "number")
ulx bring                  (!bring "name")
ulx csay                   (!csay "message")
ulx gag                    (!gag "name")
ulx gimp                  (!gimp "name")
ulx goto                   (!goto "name")
ulx kick                    (!kick "name" "reason")
ulx mute                  (!mute "name")
ulx noslay                (!noslay "name")
ulx nrslay                 (!nrslay "name")
ulx seeasay              (allows you to see admin chat)
ulx slap                    (!slap "name")
ulx slay                    (!slay "name")
ulx teleport               (!tp "name")
ulx tsay                    (!tsay "message")
ulx unafk                  (!unafk "name")
ulx ungag                 (!ungag "name")
ulx ungimp               (!ungimp "name")
ulx unmute               (!unmute "name")
ulx vote                    (access this command through !menu)
ulx votemap              (access this command through !menu)
ulx votemap2            (access this command through !menu)
ulx banid                  (access this command through !menu)
ulx ban                     (!ban "name" "time" "reason")

Note that as a moderator you can only target other moderators and below. Also note that !slay will slay the person mid round and this should never be used unless the person is exploiting or any other offense you deem worthy of a mid round slay. To slay someone for RDM you should use !nrslay. This is the main form of slay you will use. Lastly note that as a moderator you can only ban someone for 1 minute - 10080 mins (1 week). If you believe someone should be banned for longer it is your job to collect evidence and contact an admin or post a complaint on the forums using the proper format.


All of the above commands plus:
ulx aslayid              (!aslay "steamID" "number")
ulx bancoinshop      (!bancoinshop "name" "time" "reason")
ulx bancoinshop_id  (!bancsid "steamID" "time" "reason")
ulx bandrops        (!bandrops "name" "time" "reason")
ulx bandropsid      (!bandropsid "SteamID" "time" "reason")
ulx bantrade        (!bantrade "name" "time" "reason")
ulx bantradeid      (!bantradeid "SteamID" "time" "reason")
ulx jail                    (!jail "name")
ulx psay                  (!p "name")
ulx send                  (!send "name" "name")
ulx unban                (!unban "steamID")
ulx unbancoinshop    (!unbancoinshop "steamID")
ulx unbandrops    (!unbandrops "steamID")
ulx unbantrade    (!unbantrade "steamID")

Note that as an administrator you can permanently ban people. Other staff will come to you with questions and look to you for advice. As an administrator you are the most trusted of people on FRG and you should always set an example for members and newcomers alike. You have final say in all disputes and are trusted to know all the rules and punishments.

Now that you know the commands lets move on to the punishments.

The following list is a ROUGH guide of punishments for staff to follow. Keep in mind this is simply a rough guide and each and every one is subject to change depending on the extent of the RDM or offense.

Mic spam = gag (in extreme cases can be a ban)
Text spam = mute (in extreme cases can be a ban)
1 RDM = slay
2 RDMs = 2 slays
3+ RDMs = permanent ban
1 RDM + leave = 1 week ban
2 RDMs + leave = 1 week- permanent ban (depending on the extent of the RDMs)
3 RDMs + leave = perma ban
Attempted RDM = slay
Attempted RDM + leave = 5 day ban
Revenge RDM = 5 days - 1 week ban
Map exploiting = teleport + warning them that is not allowed
Continuous map exploiting = slay
Extreme map exploiting after multiple warnings = ban of a length you feel suitable
Ghosting = perma ban
RDM a Detective or a T buddy = 2 slays (if it is 100% clearly on purpose = permanent ban)
RDM 2 T buddies = permanent ban (unless of course it was an accident)
Meta gaming = 1 day - permanent (depends on the severity)
Racism = 1 week - permanent (depends on the severity)
Farming = Drop ban(Ban from getting drops/trading). Depending on the severity, it can be anything from a week to a perma.
Scamming/sharking = Drop ban/Server ban (time depends on a lot of factors. Best to let admins+ deal with this one.)
Advertising = gag/mute - ban (talking about another ttt server is not advertising. Trying to get people to join it or saying it is better than FRG is. A gag/mute and/or ban is appropriate if you feel it is.)
Threat against the server = Perma ban

Messages In This Thread
Staff Guide! - Jake1o - 03-08-2015, 01:14 AM
RE: Staff Guide! - McNuggie - 03-08-2015, 01:50 AM
RE: Staff Guide! - Terran - 03-08-2015, 01:51 AM
RE: Staff Guide! - Brassx - 03-08-2015, 02:35 AM
RE: Staff Guide! - Kuro - 03-14-2015, 12:26 AM
RE: Staff Guide! - Terran - 04-04-2015, 12:52 AM
RE: Staff Guide! - McNuggie - 04-04-2015, 12:54 AM
RE: Staff Guide! - Terran - 04-04-2015, 01:00 AM
RE: Staff Guide! - Grassx - 04-04-2015, 01:05 AM
RE: Staff Guide! - McNuggie - 04-04-2015, 01:06 AM
RE: Staff Guide! - Terran - 04-04-2015, 01:10 AM
RE: Staff Guide! - Terran - 08-01-2015, 09:24 PM
RE: Staff Guide! - Unpoke - 08-02-2015, 01:41 AM
RE: Staff Guide! - Terran - 08-02-2015, 02:05 AM
RE: Staff Guide! - Jake1o - 08-02-2015, 02:18 AM
RE: Staff Guide! - Unpoke - 08-02-2015, 03:37 AM
RE: Staff Guide! - [GR]NICESHOTgetrektm8 - 01-11-2016, 07:28 AM
RE: Staff Guide! - Terran - 12-10-2018, 02:59 AM
RE: Staff Guide! - Alex Summers - 12-10-2018, 04:45 AM
RE: Staff Guide! - Eclipse - 12-10-2018, 04:51 AM
RE: Staff Guide! - DONGERWEED - 12-10-2018, 03:07 AM
RE: Staff Guide! - Terran - 12-10-2018, 05:17 AM

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