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[Nerf] Extinct Candy Cane Deagle

(10-23-2018, 08:34 PM)Terran Wrote:  
(10-23-2018, 08:22 PM)tobooasxz Wrote:  
(10-23-2018, 08:20 PM)Terran Wrote:  I mean, its the strongest suffix with no downsides. I think a lot of people find it very annoying, and I also thought there was a time where people said "No gun effect should disable someone or prevent them from fighting back", but that's what the ice cube does. You're 100% fucked if it affects you, and you don't even need to be SHOT for it to work; if people miss and the bullet goes close to you, lol ice cube'd.

i mean almost every godlike suffix has no downsides.

where's the downside to thrakos lightning, or tartarus beam?
Bit of a difference between "effect that can take a bit to kill you, while retaining full function and/or something you can avoid or mitigate" than "missed shot freezes you, deals high damage and you can't do anything"

(10-23-2018, 08:26 PM)2koreds Wrote:  Being ice cubed isn't always intentional either tho Terran. Using a normal CCD not extinct I've had several headshots that ended up saving that persons life by the cube proc instead. Plus its a deagle, like it requires some level of skill to use. It's also TTT, not some deathmatch game mode. Traitors are supposed to have the upper hand by default to make up for the numbers. I could be very wrong, but to my knowledge the damage in the cube isn't buffed from the ccd to the extinct ccd (Correct me if wrong). Also, extinct weapons are supposed to be the end game goal. The full intent behind them is to be powerful. If you are in the cube you can still call people out for doing it by typing . There are plenty of ways around cube and/or to make it not good. Just because it irks you personally doesn't mean its ridiculously powerful lol.
In b4 nerf terranables.
Well, one of my main points was you don't even need to land a shot on someone to freeze them. You can literally miss and still freeze them, which is what I think is unfair. If you headshot someone and it ice cubes instead of killing them, that's stupid too. I'm not implying the ice cube should be removed, just revamped.

The rest of the extincts don't seem to be valued that much compared to the CCD. But what ways ARE there around the cube? If someone sprays the deagle at you, and doesn't land a single shot, you can still be frozen and rendered unable to move, shoot, etc. That doesn't seem fair.

A decent change would be that if you land a non-killing blow, it can freeze the person. But you can't just whiff a shot past their shoulder and immediately cube them. That's pretty lame.

And how do you know the shots that are being "missed" on you aren't actually hitting? Like I said, the ice proc "bullet" replaces the deagle bullet and any damage that shot would have done. Not to mention when it happens you can visually see it, its significantly larger than the shot being fired, so it seems only natural the hitbox for the ice proc bullet is also larger.

When people use the ccd to abuse it and proc on someone without shooting them, the full reason for it is explained above. They intentionally shoot near someones foot, BARELY missing. When the ice proc bullet goes, its larger, and it ends up hitting that person. You can still shoot a proc by the ccd and have it miss. The same applies when you get hit by it when it is intended to be shot at you and not abused like the aforementioned situation. Its a larger projectile itself. It literally shoots a candy cane at the person. You can claim all you want that the person shooting at you is missing their shots and that can definitely be the case, but the larger candy cane/ice proc itself makes it that much easier to hit. Not to mention just because someone missed the past 3 shots on you doesn't mean they won't hit the 4th.

I don't mean to argue with you or be rude, but that is how the gun is. It still takes skill to hit the candy cane proc to ice cube someone. It still takes aim to hit with a deagle. Also, another reason the ccd is so sought after as the "best" extinct is because it is a RELIABLE SECONDARY. If the CCD took a primary weapon slot I guarantee you it would not be used as frequently as it is now, nor would its usage rates vary from other extinct godlikes. It is a powerful secondary. That is why you see so many people use it. Most secondaries are shit or incredibly rare. The proc does indeed make it heavily sought after, but whats stopping people from using frostburns, hellfire, dragon strikes, kunai, or aezurth to replace the extinct ccd? Two answers tbh; It's better because its a deagle with a reliable proc, and it's easier to obtain than the aforementioned. Bathory has been trying to buy a frost for like 3 months now? I'll even take your personal play style into consideration man. Why do you yourself use a deagle secondary instead of a glock? The one shot headshot chance is well worth it, and much more satisfying. Correct me if I am wrong there. All of these things factor in. You know what needs a real nerf? Frostburn ice spikes now. Easily slaughter someone or a group of people with server tickrate change, but why is there no nerf thread? Because there aren't a large surplus of people using frostburns.

Also, if you get ice cubed just count it out or hold an orb of healing. Once your cube is up it's pure reaction time: You vs the baddie. If you have a deagle you can still win that fight in 1 shot. While you're cubed, type in chat "THIS FUCKER ICE CUBED ME, KOS 2KOREDS". ttt_radio comms are blocked in cube, and you have the equivalent of a comm jammer effect on you, but you can still type out kos's while in the cube, ensuring the death of the fucker who did it to you. It's not a perfect or unbeatable weapon man.

Messages In This Thread
[Nerf] Extinct Candy Cane Deagle - Terran - 10-23-2018, 05:38 PM
RE: [Nerf] Extinct Candy Cane Deagle - 2koreds - 10-23-2018, 08:58 PM
RE: [Nerf] Extinct Candy Cane Deagle - Axe - 10-23-2018, 09:07 PM
RE: [Nerf] Extinct Candy Cane Deagle - Axe - 10-23-2018, 09:16 PM

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