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Hockey wont stop "missclicking"

He only rdmed you twice as afar as I'm aware and I dealt with one of them. I didn't do the other one because I didn't understand it and you also mentioned something about "you won't stop until he gets at least one slay" which he did. He did joke about continuing to "misclick" onto you but I don't think he took it past jokes after the slay. So I don't really think it carried onto other maps. It just seems like your report is based on him making jokes about rdming you, which didn't seem offensive in anyway and you could've just blocked him, although I do admit he probably should've been slain for the other time. In either case I don't think he did anything deserving of any further punishment except for maybe a slay if that other report was valid.

Messages In This Thread
Hockey wont stop "missclicking" - Caspar - 12-19-2018, 04:46 AM
RE: Hockey wont stop "missclicking" - Dreadark - 12-19-2018, 05:08 AM

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