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Let's talk about challenges and daily quests.

Eh. I don't really see it like that. I see the reasoning but I find people having the main goal of getting kills more annoying than that in my opinion. I don't think there'd be such a big problem if they were just mixed in with the kill challenges. TTT has become more who can get the most kills instead of who can win, but maybe it was always like that.
I seriously don't think people will get that much more tryhard from adding round wins to challenge scrolls. I think it'll encourage people to use different techniques and do anything they can to win instead of just using one gun. Yeah more people would use cancer guns, but it would be manageable.
People get pretty salty from kill challenges too in my experience.  People killsteal, or hit a t buddy in crossfire and "ruin" their round and potential for more kills and then they get salty.

How I see it, the downsides to only having kill challenges are:
-kill steals
-lack of using teamwork
-lack of use of different traitor/det items
-lack of interesting plays/unpredictableness of the game

Yet if we added in traitor round wins or det round wins, I think the game could become a little more interesting and more fun. I like challenges but I feel like rolling my eyes at the repetition in them. Get 30 kills with this gun. Get 42 kills with this specific tier. I lose some of the motivation to do challenges just because I know exactly what to expect from the steps. Some more variety would be nice and I feel like this could be a start.

And on the issue of farming, I don't think it would be an issue if you just didn't have innocent round wins as a possible step, only traitor round wins. Then even if there were only 6 people on, it would be 5v1.

But either way, I think a good idea could be to add them, see how the community responds, and then if necessary remove them.

Also, I think some players are toxic, but I don't think the playerbase is truly THAT toxic, where that many people would cause problems for losing rounds. I think when most people are calling others "leeches" in events, its mostly jokes.

I'd also like to see some different variation in challenge scrolls such as how quests are, but then that might make quests completely obsolete, i don't know.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Let's talk about challenges and daily quests. - Dreadark - 01-12-2019, 09:15 AM

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