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Ace and Mousey's Base Weapon Suggestion Extravaganza

(01-20-2019, 12:45 AM)epical monster Wrote:  no these r bad
(EDIT: ppl giving criticism)

Now the Thompson Contender and M14 would maybe fit in. However I believe the Thompson Contender would be better as a unique and not a base weapon. A deagle w/ scope and less clip? Just seems like a rifle secondary, which is fine, but I'd rather see it as a special weapon and not base
M14 reminds me of an oracle, but ya know, a base weapon type
I dunno how you'd do it, but I wouldn't mind it being in as a base

Okay really though I feel like the ACR, SCAR, Double Barrel, and FG42 are just bad
I talked to Ace about the Double Barrel (which I felt would be OP), but after talking to me about it, it just seemed like a worse shotgun, or rather a more situational shotgun. Add if wanted, but I wouldn't care if it was added or not as I see it as something not worth adding.
SCAR uses same model as Finality which I feel should stay unique, even if you were to change colors and stats(stats obviously)
FG42 and ACR seem like remodels of some current weapons which I'm personally not fond of, but if the community would like it then have at it

In the end it's just my humble opinion :^)

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RE: Ace and Mousey's Base Weapon Suggestion Extravaganza - epical monster - 01-20-2019, 04:59 AM

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