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Ace and Mousey's Base Weapon Suggestion Extravaganza

Oke my serious input time.
I see the double barrel more of a panic button gun. Terrible accuracy but high damage if you can get all the pellets in. 8 pellets with 6 dmg each but with an accuracy that's basically non existent. (Think running full speed with a swift shotgun level of accuracy)

M14EBR needs more firerate and a tad more damage. 2 shot per second is DoW firerate, and that's slow for 28 base dmg.

For the FG42, I personally want it to have some unique gimmick with it. Increase damage, give it terrible accuracy and stability. If you crouch and stay still, accuracy and stability increases by a lot.

Not much to say about the contender, it's just a deagle with a scope.

ScarL and ACR are just copies of other guntypes, which isn't a bad thing. The guns look aesthetically pleasing, which could be a nice change from using your usual galil and sg.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Ace and Mousey's Base Weapon Suggestion Extravaganza - Fagxel - 01-20-2019, 05:13 AM

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