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(01-24-2019, 02:59 PM)bomer555 Wrote:  Hey there, I am relatively new to your group, however I am not that new to the ZS community, I may not be a god of cading but i'm not that bad. So what brings me here? Apparently my old server went under, only one dev who seems to have gotten overwhelmed. Anyway here's my list of possible ideas I'd like to see implemented or discussed:
1. Customization of weapons
  a) The ability to buy different ammo types. Ex: Incendiary, Explosive, AP, etc
  Now I saw that there was a lot of different kinds of weaponry, but I haven't had the pleasure to play a lot on your ZS so if what I say is already "implemented" ignore it
   b) ability to add scopes, grips, different mags, etc to weapons, depending on what it is. By this I mean you can't really put a scope on a pistol but you can put different kinds on a rifle, along that kind of thought
2. Cading ( my main reason for writing this)
A. The ability to break doors and use them as props to cade with, and the ability to actually cade the door itself, by this i mean drag it in a certain direction to create a funnel to shoot out of.
B. Different nail types, such as heavy nails (Increased prop health/durability), barbed(damages zombies when they attack)comes with the drawback of less prop health, etc
C. Ability to customize the hammer itself, kinda incorporates 2B. EX: different tiers of "heads"(like interchangeable tops to the hammer) which allow you to repair more the higher tier you have, t1 might do 50rep a hit while t2 might do 75, and so on
3. Purchasing
a. have an incentive for waiting to purchase until its the period between rounds, give a 10% off if you do(or whatever %), makes it a little more challenging

Other then that, I need to play more and I will be able to come up with what I hope is more suggestions, hope to have some feedback Smile

a) I think the new ammo types is a good idea, and as far as I know wouldn't be too hard to implement.
b) In the next few days Brassx will begin importing the inventory system over to ZS, and the variation on weaponry should remove the need for too much customization. Adding it alongside would just make things very confusing for new players and possibly make weapons overpowered.

a) As far as I know doors can be broken off the hinges, pretty sure it even says so in the help menu. Not sure if you mean literally breaking the door into pieces though, that would be neat but would require replacing every door prop on every map afaik.
b) Cool! I like
c) Hammer can be turned into the electrohammer with a battery, and perks/trinkets allow for more and faster repair.

a) I don't think this is needed. ZS is already quite hard to win and making us wait to buy stuff like ammo or better stuff just adds more difficulty. The bulk points at the end of the rounds is enough imo.

Messages In This Thread
Cading - bomer555 - 01-24-2019, 02:59 PM
RE: Cading - Unpoke - 01-24-2019, 04:01 PM
RE: Cading - Hala - 01-24-2019, 04:02 PM
RE: Cading - bomer555 - 01-24-2019, 04:14 PM
RE: Cading - Fagxel - 01-24-2019, 04:08 PM
RE: Cading - Fuzzy "Mc-Cones" Mcnomnoms - 01-24-2019, 07:16 PM
RE: Cading - TJ1524 - 01-24-2019, 08:04 PM
RE: Cading - bomer555 - 01-24-2019, 08:15 PM
RE: Cading - Terran - 01-24-2019, 08:45 PM

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