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Ace and Mousey's Base Weapon Suggestion Extravaganza

(01-31-2019, 04:14 PM)Hala Wrote:  Don't add ACR and Scar-L maybe replace ACR with an AN-94 or a new SMG?

Scar-L is too similar to Finality IMO. Aswell as the ACR in the way the model is.

And maybe instead of the Revolver Contender thing it could be a 3 round burst pistol... Smile?

I would like to replace the ACR with an AN94 if possible as it is one of my favorite guns next to the scar. However on the scar topic, I believe we can have a scar base weapon alongside the finality as the finality is very unique in look and play from this more modern style scar. We also already have Aresuft working on this model so it'll be more unique to this server.

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RE: Ace and Mousey's Base Weapon Suggestion Extravaganza - Ace - 01-31-2019, 06:20 PM

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