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[CHANGE] Make Oracle Shield Damage Karma


"2. Remove the damage from the shield. The first two weeks after its release is when I saw the shield being used properly. Nowadays, thanks to the Flashback Crate, it is mainly used as karma-free rdm/Tbait/droppinginfrontofpeopleforfun. Consistently I've seen and been affected by the penises just dropping it for no reason. Yes, you can kos them if they're using for malicious reasons. But in the end, it's hurting your karma and not theirs. Yes, this will nerf the once in a blue moon use where the T doesn't take 20 damage over 5 seconds. However, there are more Oracles being added to the game. This will be an issue later on."

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RE: [CHANGE] Make Oracle Shield Damage Karma - Beebee1303 - 02-22-2019, 08:26 AM

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