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[CHANGE] Make Oracle Shield Damage Karma

BeeBee makes a lot of sense. Why does it cause damage? The Fool's World shield doesn't. The benefit of the oracle shield is used for long-range protection, so the radiation damage from going inside of it is utterly pointless. I have never once seen it used for a close-quarters defense. Hell, how does it even deter someone from rushing in? Ooooh you just took 20 damage over 10 seconds, yikes.

Just remove the damage and make it so that going through the shield slows someone down by 25% or 50% or something. This should include the user, because its stupid to have someone bounce in and out of the shield using it as cover.

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RE: [CHANGE] Make Oracle Shield Damage Karma - Terran - 02-22-2019, 09:07 PM

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