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[CHANGE] Make Oracle Shield Damage Karma

the oracle shield doesn't move, the fool's world shield does, terran. they're different guns completely and shouldn't be baselines for each others' designs, especially considering oracle is from brass and fools' world is tobi's(?) the rad damage is literally to punish people who rush in, and 20 damage (regardless of over how long) is pretty good at deterring people from crossing without reason. People put down bow orbs randomly a lot of the time. if you can avoid walking into those, it's pretty easy to just **not walk through the shield.**

also, beebee said "[...] clearly the defensive properties are not the main attraction. The karma free damage is." which is so beyond goofy and ridiculous that I dont know where to begin

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RE: [CHANGE] Make Oracle Shield Damage Karma - DONGERWEED - 02-22-2019, 09:24 PM

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