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(Scamming) The loss of a friend for "Justice"

Ok, I was pretty quiet in this whole mess and I'm most likely biased here. I'm here to voice my opinion and stuff.

This was a case of someone stealing another person's item at its basic form. In the beginning, it was really sketchy to have Jerk Butt getting on trading Atmaisfear and stating he will buy it for 50k. Then it went to the shit show with him stealing it and all that. With the rules in place, Atmaisfear should be permabanned if he does not comply and give the item back in a certain amount of days (7 days i believe). Jerk Butt, it was really suspicious and almost a dickish move even if it was all just a meme and Atma was your pal before. You already know that Microboss and a lot of other people hate you and this i guess so called prank was just more fuel for the fire. You did state that you were in the wrong and you were a "bad" person and I have to commend you for that since not a lot of people would admit that. Some could say it was a bluff just to let Atma sympathize with you to get the gun but it sounded too genuine to me. Going back to the topic with Atma, "2 wrongs do not make a right". Yes, Jerk Butt does some real scummy shit but this whole thing was out of hand and stealing doesn't make anyone in the right at all. Staff could've handled it but Atma took it in his hands to personally attack him which is just wrong no matter how much shit he has done. Even if it's the person I hate the most or the person who deserves a ban, I would want the person to have a fair and proper punishment instead of putting it on my hands to do some vigilante stuff.

Now onto the "private discord commotion that seemed to coincidental".... (This part is mainly addressing to those who were in the discord and Brass).
Whether it was staged, leaked, or coincidental with the discord event. All of us in the discord could've helped soften this issue. I will admit that I was in this discord, listening and not actually acting on anything (which is pretty bad in itself). In the beginning, people were praising Atma like you said because many believed it was karma for what Jerk Butt has done. There were people that questioned his actions and did state he will get a ban for this but a majority did not shame him for his actions. This whole thing wasn't meant to witchhunt Jerk for whatever he has done even though it may have sounded like it in discord but a lot of players were just fed up with Jerk's bullshit to be completely honest (I personally don't have any grudges or hate on you Jerk btw). It surprised everyone that a low level has scammed a high level player and it was a heated moment. I'm in no ways trying to say that we or anyone in the discord was doing the right thing. What I am saying is that we weren't planning or working together just to hurt or ban Jerk Butt. For me, I am fine with any punishment dished out onto me since you can say I was an accomplice and allowed this to go on. I apologize if this event has changed some people's feelings about me. I was just a bystander and I could've done more.

To conclude this, Atma should return the item to Jerk or else he get's a perma banned for scamming and maybe Jerk can get a replica of his item back if Atma does not return the item. Everyone who were partially involved with the situation, including me, should prepare for what's going to happen :monkaS:

There may be some mistakes or typos and shit but I'm tired. Would like to hear more thoughts and viewpoints about this situation.

Messages In This Thread
RE: (Scamming) The loss of a friend for "Justice" - Glazz - 05-04-2019, 09:59 AM

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