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(Scamming) The loss of a friend for "Justice"

I know for a fact that Jerk wouldn't scam the guy out of his egg especially not for 50k and especially not when being on TYTE ice (hi beebee) like he already is. Sure it was a bad idea to try and bait people into thinking he was scamming, in fact thats so dumb it's funny lol. But that is no excuse for the blatant witchhunt and target bullying that seems to have been going on. And actively supporting the act of scamming another member of the community just because you dislike them? That's very low and I personally feel that some punishment should be dished out for this. Should also be noted that I'm ot much of a fan of Jerk either but literally scamming him and then trying to make him the villain is way 2 far.
Mechahitler out.

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RE: (Scamming) The loss of a friend for "Justice" - Nytepisser - 05-04-2019, 01:33 PM

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