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(Scamming) The loss of a friend for "Justice"

Most people in this situation need a healthy dose of introspection. Jerk Butt is no saint, but he isn't a malicious person. A little selfish maybe. Hell the man never made a trade without profit in his life. But come on this is absolutely ridiculous. You are free not to like people and trust me there are some people on here I could personally care less about. But stop being immature assholes about it . I'm not going to discriminate against someone over a couple negative impressions in the past. It's too easy to get a negative image of someone and then fall into a confirmation bias ignoring everything positive and only building on negatives.

If you are taking this shit so seriously that you feel the need to maliciously strike out at people you don't like in a videogame grow the fuck up. You should have bigger worries in life than that one guy in a game you don't like to obsess about. If you feel jerk butt or anyone for the matter is such a problem in the community make a report, and one that isn't just a hit piece at that too. It's absurd to me that people are so happy to burn bridges in such small communities. Until then be civil to the person. You don't need to like someone to not be an asshole to them. If you do that you are the asshole.

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RE: (Scamming) The loss of a friend for "Justice" - Tarrasque - 05-04-2019, 06:09 PM

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