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Change how maps are added

having maps be voted to be added isn't a good way to handle it. Look at ouhhh for example. people will just vote to add any map thinking "oh cool a new map yeah let's add it." I can agree that a vote should be done on any new maps added though. I can start doing that. However I don't think 3-4 days is enough time. When I added sunday street people complained about it and said it looked gross and ugly. it is now one of the most liked and played maps.

If you have issues with a certain map for legit reasons then just steam message me or parade. we have removed 5-10 maps that we added after just one time being played on the server for serious issues we didnt see in our tests.

Messages In This Thread
Change how maps are added - tobiasxz-usagi - 05-12-2019, 03:41 PM
RE: Change how maps are added - Jake1o - 05-13-2019, 02:47 AM
RE: Change how maps are added - Bathory - 05-13-2019, 03:23 AM
RE: Change how maps are added - Moz - 05-13-2019, 10:28 AM
RE: Change how maps are added - Jake1o - 05-13-2019, 09:19 PM
RE: Change how maps are added - Brassx - 05-13-2019, 10:47 PM
RE: Change how maps are added - Buff Honk - 05-13-2019, 11:50 PM

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