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[CHANGE] Map challenges on easy and mediums clues

We already had this discussion many times.

The reason they still exist is because:
  • They give scrolls another topic to do.
  • This challenge inflates the time to complete scrolls, which is ideal for the server, not for us.
  • Gives an interesting thing to do to newer players.
  • Voting for the map usually happens.

  • Happens too commonly.
  • Usually always go to the same maps.
  • People get mad if they don't vote for the map.
  • All of the map challenges have been found out.

RTV wouldn't fix this because it would obviously be used to troll or skip maps that some people don't like. I take a longer time to load than most and it would be really annoying to basically keep bouncing around maps even if RTV did have a cooldown. I think this version of map challenges (good chance to show up, map challenge overrides luck map, can input map) are going to be the best it gets and scrolls need inflated times in order for them to work properly.

It's a shame we have to deal with it, but if you gave actual suggestions or more types of overall challenges that make challenges longer instead of 5 second word scrambles, I think Tobi would be willing to compromise.

One idea I had was for a challenge is to do a certain amount of dailies. Obviously this wouldn't be high due to the limited amount per day, but along with the idea of refreshing them or alongside monthly version of dailies, I think that could work pretty decently.

Messages In This Thread
RE: [CHANGE] Map challenges on easy and mediums clues - TJ1524 - 05-19-2019, 07:36 PM

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