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Poll: Remove/Change the recoil. (So that it's not buggy specifically.)
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[Buff] Shadowstrike

(08-24-2019, 07:32 PM)Bezerker Wrote:  Are you joking? The Shadowstrike is one of the most broken weapons. Especially for a secondary. It deals a flat fat chunk of damage, is automatic, and has a swift reload speed. Yeah, I'll concede that the wonky camera is its short spot, but it's amazing in a 1:1 fight so long as you are smart enough to lead your shots

Yeah, No. It is great for semi-firing... at medium range, but then it has no purpose, Any weapon can semi fire at medium range pretty much, This weapon is specifically made for long range I'd assume because you CANNOT hold down the trigger and "aim" this weapon. "one of the most broken weapons" - Broken as in buggy? sure.

(08-25-2019, 03:30 AM)Glazz Wrote:  1. The recoil is meant to jerk you side by side instead of a gun where the recoil goes up. Yes it's harder to aim with but that's the drawback of using a 40 damage per bolt gun.
2. It actually is possible to get headshots but without the head explosion. If you shoot a person while right clicking to get back the bolt in the head, you will get a one shot. Although it's rare to one shot someone with a shadowstrike, it's doable.

I do think that the travel speed for the three bolts that come back to you should be faster since majority of the time, people run straight at you and gun you down faster than the bolts coming back at you.

Never realized it needed to be a right click bolt to headshot, Interesting but almost pointless. You right click; you either get a kill or it misses and you will possibly get killed for trying to bolt someone.

I wouldn't say the travel speed but more like the time it takes to start coming back, I right click and almost 2 seconds later I actually see the bolts start coming back, I thought this was just me but no I noticed it with other players too.

(08-24-2019, 07:26 PM)Randall Wrote:  -1 A crossbow isn't completely accurate, it doesn't have deadeye aim like a sniper, which even then, sniper rifles don't hit every single time, be that because of the wind or because of distance and bullet drop. The same is with a crossbow, there definitely shouldn't be no recoil because the strength needed to pull back a crossbow in real life is insane, although this is a game and we have plenty of things that are not realistic at all. Arrows when going through the air do not go in a straight line, and obviously, they do drop. The only thing that I could see here being possibly added would have to be headshot damage, because obviously a crossbow to the head would absolutely destroy somebody, thats why they were used during medieval times even when there was armor. I believe the accuracy should stay the same and I don't know if there is an "Arrow drop" but if there is it should be kept. As stated earlier the only improvement I could see would be damage/headshot damage. Firerate should stay the same as well considering the necessary time to draw back a crossbow.

Riiiiiight, This is a game not irl, Not sure if you noticed but there's literal guns that spews lasers.
And also giving it headshot damage would make it one of the most powerful weapons in the game, even with the buggy recoil; It has an awful hitbox.
By that I mean sometimes you literally see your bolt miss but it somehow lands, It's a common thing when I used this weapon.
Buffing the damage to 50 would make it too strong you could just two tap people silently, since it has no damage change depending where you shoot a person you could nick a persons toe from across the map.

Here's a huge tip; When you go to argue why something should be, Base your arguement on the weapon stats... Not it's real-life counter-part.

Messages In This Thread
[Buff] Shadowstrike - Mystery - 08-24-2019, 10:04 AM
RE: [Buff] Shadowstrike - Randall - 08-24-2019, 07:26 PM
RE: [Buff] Shadowstrike - Bezerker - 08-24-2019, 07:32 PM
RE: [Buff] Shadowstrike - Mystery - 08-26-2019, 08:04 AM
RE: [Buff] Shadowstrike - MicroBoss - 08-24-2019, 07:53 PM
RE: [Buff] Shadowstrike - Glazz - 08-25-2019, 03:30 AM
RE: [Buff] Shadowstrike - Mystery - 08-28-2019, 06:57 AM

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