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Okay first things first looking through logs you literally avoided mentioning the price of the banner (The only monthly you DIDN'T say the price of other than the banner is the polarity). Secondly, you never offered any more that what you gave in any of the chat logs given if I am wrong then just send me a screenshot or something. Third, he DID try to get a price check on his banner but no one responded so he it appears he assumed what was being told to him was true. Fourth, The person who made sure the extra was even okay WAS HIM due to you being vague with the prices. I'm going to have to disagree with toby here. With the information given about the trade this appears to be a scam to me. If there is evidence to prove you offered more initially and he declined I would say sure this is an okay if scummy trade but with all the evidence given I would classify it as a scam due to the fact that you were the only source of prices that he was able to get so he probably thought you were reputable enough seeing as you do won three light sabers.

(09-25-2019, 10:30 PM)Smurfo Wrote:  Ok so from screenshot 1 mystery is not lying with the prices of the monthlies and he also offers around 1m and follows with "probably lowball" which is true. Screenshot 3 you ask "which is more worth it for banner" and mystery says "lime is definitely more" which is true...lime is a more desirable color than yellow. Screenshot 4 mystery asks "did you bother to price check the banner?" and you follow it up with "its all good and no". Honestly this just seems like you rushed a trade without bothering to find the price of an item and now your wanting more or a trade back. You agreed to the trade without bothering to find the price of your item. Just take the loss my dude and learn from this.

I find your lack of reading kinda appalling as it says its good and no but then his response was that people wouldn't answer the price check. Mystery asking this seems to be POST-trade as mystery says "now should I point this out ._." (what using context I can only assume is what the response of no is to) especially seeing as the trade took place at guess what 11:52:02.

Messages In This Thread
Scammed - Hrdly ッ - 09-25-2019, 08:51 PM
RE: Scammed - BURNSY - 09-25-2019, 09:04 PM
RE: Scammed - Sardine - 09-25-2019, 09:11 PM
RE: Scammed - Mystery - 09-25-2019, 10:00 PM
RE: Scammed - Philip - 09-25-2019, 10:19 PM
RE: Scammed - Mystery - 09-25-2019, 10:20 PM
RE: Scammed - Echidnah - 09-26-2019, 02:52 AM
RE: Scammed - Hrdly ッ - 09-25-2019, 10:23 PM
RE: Scammed - Unreal Oz - 09-25-2019, 10:05 PM
RE: Scammed - Mystery - 09-25-2019, 10:09 PM
RE: Scammed - The Black Parade - 09-25-2019, 10:12 PM
RE: Scammed - Unpoke - 09-25-2019, 10:15 PM
RE: Scammed - Bezerker - 09-25-2019, 10:24 PM
RE: Scammed - Mystery - 09-25-2019, 10:29 PM
RE: Scammed - NNNYYYTTTEEEMMMAAARRRTTT - 09-26-2019, 01:45 AM
RE: Scammed - Unpoke - 09-25-2019, 10:28 PM
RE: Scammed - Echidnah - 09-26-2019, 02:42 PM
RE: Scammed - Smurfo - 09-25-2019, 10:30 PM
RE: Scammed - Philip - 09-25-2019, 10:43 PM
RE: Scammed - Hrdly ッ - 09-25-2019, 10:59 PM
RE: Scammed - tobiasxz-usagi - 09-25-2019, 11:11 PM
RE: Scammed - Mystery - 09-25-2019, 11:22 PM
RE: Scammed - Echidnah - 09-26-2019, 12:17 AM
RE: Scammed - Smurfo - 09-26-2019, 12:43 AM
RE: Scammed - Echidnah - 09-26-2019, 12:57 AM
RE: Scammed - AdderallOverdose - 09-26-2019, 03:37 AM
RE: Scammed - Mystery - 09-26-2019, 05:13 AM
RE: Scammed - MicroBoss - 09-26-2019, 06:03 AM
RE: Scammed - Echidnah - 09-26-2019, 01:36 PM
RE: Scammed - Françoise Appledelhi - 09-26-2019, 08:26 AM
RE: Scammed - Jesus Crust - 09-27-2019, 02:57 AM
RE: Scammed - GloriousOneechan ♿ - 09-27-2019, 03:17 AM
RE: Scammed - Mystery - 09-27-2019, 06:35 AM
RE: Scammed - Grassx - 09-27-2019, 05:05 PM

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