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Deathray targeting and harassment

1 I haven't been following you around (I don't really follow anybody unless i think they're a T) 2 that is a lie that i shoot at you as soon as you start shooting a someone. I've rdmed you once because you were on ladder and shot someone first (who didn't shoot back and i couldn't see cause i was below him on ladder) which turned out to be a zombie which didn't hit you for one and two didn't make any zombie noises. 3 I said something about your ban twice and "harrassed you" which then I blocked you AND stopped. 4 you've bodyblocked me twice which led to you getting blocked, Been micspamming a lot, and being a overall nuisance. Before you make a post like this could you take a look at yourself and see how much of a clown you are. Also the evidence you show in your "harrassment report" show me saying something once. And did I mention that you @'ed me first and started this whole mess which led to me blocking you.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Deathray targeting and harassment - Deathrayjj - 10-02-2019, 11:41 PM

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