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8 New Zodiac Extinct Traits + "The Zodiac Killer" Unique Celestial

Crafting: By crafting any weapon type each of the different zodiac trait you are able to craft a weapon called:
"The Zodiac Killer"More information at the bottom of the post

I tried to match each zodiac trait to be similar to what they may imply
The item is meant to be expensive and hard to work towards. Its meant as a goal for a player or players to work towards since it requires so much to obtain. As well as chance on the items you use to make it. Similar to Elder Sword progression but a lot more items to obtain it.

Aries: unpredictable and destructive
-Permanently Increases the Damage on the applied item
-ability to cause an explosion on the user's current position damaging the user for 35 damage and dealing 60 damage to surrounding players
-Cooldown of 10 seconds
-can only be used 3 times (Hence 35 self-damage) unless the player manages to heal themselves.
-Also repulses players affected away (knockback)

Taurus: irrational, shy, and lazy
-Ability to summon a sentry to fight for you
-Shoots and slows all targets within an applicable range
-applies random debuffs and suffixes/traits to a target within range
-Activates and is placed similar to "voltaic" or "spring traps"
-The sentry has 300 health and can be shot
-The Sentry stays up permanently unless destroyed or another is placed
-The sentry can target/attack multiple players at one time as long as they are within its range
-Only one sentry can be active at a time.
-Stays active even if the user dies
-The sentry can target AI and bosses (Although its DPS to AI and bosses is not too significant, but it can target multiple AI at one time).

Cancer: sensitive, closed off, emotional, and clingy
-Ability: Only when near other players the User gains fluctuating Stat increase/Decrease to each of their stats. (The stats change every 10 seconds going from -100% to +100%).
-The fluctuation is completely random on the -100% to +100% range.
-All stats receive changes at the same time.
-On top of receiving random stat changes, the weapon gains suffixes and traits from nearby users

Capricorn: arrogant, selfish, and stubborn
-When an AOE buff is placed on the ground or received (IE: Warbanner, Wand of Rejuvination, or Caliburn) the User gains a 20% increase stacked on top of what the buff gives normally.
-The stacked increase to the self last the same amount of time.

Scorpio: Jealous, argumentative, domineering
-Takes the traits, stats, and suffixes of the users around them. (Includes godlike traits; essentially a direct upgrade from Ectoplasmic guns)
-Can take stats from other players every 60 seconds
-The traits and suffixes stack, but the gun stats change with each time you take from others

Libra: (Two-Faced/Unpredictable; TTT only trait)
-In TTT, the user will appear as innocent when dead as a traitor.
-Shooting Allies for any amount of damage either as innocent or traitor gifts the User with -40% accuracy, +20% mobility and +25% damage (Works in events and does not stack on itself, but does with other active stat changes)
-Edit: Of course would need some balancing and fixing that I have not mentioned

Virgo:Controlling, critical, judgemental
-The user gains the ability to control other player's shooting and movement for 15 seconds
-The user must activate the ability within a toggle-able range on another player
-The user does not gain eyesight from the controlled player's point of view.
-Yes, you can use the other player's body to shoot other players, but if you make the other player shoot you shoot as well and if you choose a directions such as left both players will move left.
-Essentially, the "controlled" Player copies the USER's movements
-Has a time limit of 10 seconds and cooldown of 60 seconds
- Clearification:The ability allows you to place a "bug" on a target, then at a later point if the USER so chooses they can activate the bug from any other point on the map and start controlling their target.

Leo: Easily Angered and Impatient
-Ability: Puts the user into a fury increasing damage immensely and decreasing stability as well.
-The User becomes enraged with anger and whatnot so any player near them are affected with a unique affect: Aggression
-Unique Trait Aggression:
-All players around the user including the user gain a damage increase of 20% (Stacks with other abilities)
-The user takes -25% stability when Aggression is active
-Whilst aggression is active the USER also obtains +5% Firerate and +5% Reload speed for each player that has gained benefits from aggression
-These benefits last 5 seconds stacking each time a new player has entered the radius of aggression.

Unique Celestial:
"The Zodiac Killer"
-Primary Weapon

Unique Ability:
+50% Increased Damage to players using/wielding Extinct weapons
-The Items gives the User the Ability to use all Extinct Traits (Swapping works similarly to elder godsword)
-There is not a decrease in the effectiveness of each ability
-The cooldowns for each zodiac effect decrease by 50% or 10 seconds
-Each Zodiac ability can be used simultaneously; the only necessary thing the player must do is swap to the other ability manually.
IE ^: The player wants to use Aquarius, Gemini, and Aries at the same time so they swap to Aquarius press the bind to activate it then swap to gemini activate it and Aries

Crafting: (Uses the dyson sphere or some other crafting method since there are 12 zodiacs in total)
-One of each zodiac trait is required to make this item
-2 guns of the same class are applicable (IE: Megalodon with Gemini and Megalodon with Cancer)

Model: From TFA CSO workshop

Messages In This Thread
8 New Zodiac Extinct Traits + "The Zodiac Killer" Unique Celestial - Zschardeu Hasselfrou - 11-12-2019, 08:55 PM

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