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New Suggestion - Groups

People already create cliques and ingroups with things such as personal discords, the discords on the frg chat that can be private, or just having friends. The small amount of players means that we all know this and there arent any people that dont know/arent able to access someone but I dont think this would increase that.

Also in my opinion Brass's time is a valuable commodity and anything that uses it to a special amount should be justified, expecially if it is a more non conventional thing which means that it needs more work on the code since its not just insert x peramiters and modify for this specific stats. (Just look at Realms and Voslom)

Messages In This Thread
New Suggestion - Groups - Feach₀₂ - 12-18-2019, 12:55 AM
RE: New Suggestion - Groups - Feach₀₂ - 12-18-2019, 09:05 AM

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