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Revert Spawn-Ammo

Partially why It was added was so dimension crystal didn't have to be used 24/7, so it'd open up more crystal uses without punishing you by having you lack ammo. It's really just a QoL, because almost everybody used dimension crystal back then. Meaning ammo wasn't really issue anyways, but not using a dimension crystal put you at a massive disadvantage, which kinda sucked for crystal diversity.

True Scavenging on TTT was killed when the Inventory system was introduced, allowing you to spawn with weapons. But It's really just not fun to run around and hunt for ammo.

Messages In This Thread
Revert Spawn-Ammo - Bezerker - 01-19-2020, 08:40 PM
RE: Revert Spawn-Ammo - Ace - 01-19-2020, 09:13 PM
RE: Revert Spawn-Ammo - Jake1o - 01-19-2020, 09:43 PM
RE: Revert Spawn-Ammo - Terran - 01-19-2020, 09:51 PM
RE: Revert Spawn-Ammo - Brassx - 01-19-2020, 11:39 PM

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