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MASK ON player complaint

This report is silly. You guys need to just block each other and move on. It's like high school level drama or maybe even middle school. You need to get some thicker skin. I did not take him saying, "you deserve to die since you are using bunny crystal" seriously in the slightest. If anything that was a shot a bunny crystals in general, not you.

I've noticed you constantly play the victim and compare your past ban to others on the server. Occasionally saying things like, "If i was banned for toxicity, how is this guy not?" You should just play the server and not worry about who gets banned and for what reason. We have a staff discussion section on discord where we all discuss toxic players and other things. A lot goes on there that the average player doesn't see. We do pay attention.

I dealt with the petty drama the first 2 maps and then everything you said about the 3rd map I didn't see. I didn't hear mask on use the mic a single time that map. Not sure why or how. Then I saw your report on him for teleporting you off a ledge. I never said you were lying about it or anything like that. (Which you said I did in this report.) In fact, I had you clientside muted because I was tired of hearing you complain about mask on. I did review the RDM report though and the damage logs had nothing. No place where he did damage to you. Damage logs can be buggy occasionally. Since I had slain him on the previous map for something I normally would probably let go, I decided to just mark the report as not slain.

Messages In This Thread
MASK ON player complaint - ENTch - 03-16-2020, 05:30 PM
RE: MASK ON player complaint - Jake1o - 03-16-2020, 06:38 PM
RE: MASK ON player complaint - ENTch - 03-16-2020, 07:08 PM
RE: MASK ON player complaint - Albinator - 03-16-2020, 06:45 PM
RE: MASK ON player complaint - Unpoke - 04-19-2020, 12:59 AM

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