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Mousey- Discord Unmute Request/Manager Application (PROPER FORMAT)

Steam Name (Current): Mousey

Steam Name (During incident):Mousey

Steam ID:STEAM_0:1:180957695

Steam Profile Link:

Name of staff you were banned by:CrackedX

Length of the ban: Not for long

Would you like your ban shortened or repealed?: I DEMAND it is removed and I am given Manager

Reason for ban: Brass is cracked and gay

Did you commit the actions stated in the ban reason?: no

What really happened?: I was being super epic and cool and Brass got jealous

Additional details:You think this is a game BrassX? Hahahaha. Yeah, you would be the kind of person to treat your hard working ADMINS like this.
I make been breaking my BACK for FRG GAMING WITH NEW FASTER SERVERS and you treat me like this?
Your crack have really been showing as of late BrassX, and I'm getting sick of it. So I will give you an ultimatum, unmute MOUSEY THE BEST ADMIN ON FRG GAMING WITH NEW FASTER SERVERS and give me MANAGER RANK or suffer my wrath.
You don't know who you are messing with BrassX. I have networked with some VERY VERY powerful people in the Gmod and adderall community and I am NOT someone to be fucked with.
I have held staff positions on at LEAST 4 servers and have been made the highest rank in many of those servers discords.
I will take the entire Gmod community and launch an attack against you BrassX. I'm not scared of you, I'm not scared to speak out against your TYRANNY.
I remember when I first joined FRG GAMING AT THE TIME WITHOUT NEW FASTER SERVERS and how much I loved it, but you have taken that from me, and I don't know if I will ever recover from the stress this has put me through.
You have no idea what you have done to me BrassX.
And that clown Unpork you have running your show? Hahaha. Consider him an IN man if you will. I have woo'd him very much as Anya Amasova did to James Bond in the hit film "The Spy Who Loved Me"
He is now a puppet in my hand, BrassX, capable of taking you down at any moment. But this is more fun to me, playing cat and mouse with you. Giving you a warning before I unleash my true power onto all of FRG GAMING WITH NEW FASTER SERVERS.
Heed my warning old man, or you will see horrific acts the likes that have NEVER been seen on a Gmod server. I am much much much much more powerful than you could have ever imagined BrassX.
I'm been training for years for this moment BrassX, while you have been sipping fancy drinks, quietly, I've been plotting. I am on a plane of existence in which you cannot even DREAM of.
You have been warned old man.
Your time is coming to an end, so handle this situation carefully.

Godspeed, BrassX



Why should you get the position*: As an Admin and previous ranks I've grown quite familiar with the rules. I try my best to answer questions about rules that would apply to case-by-case scenarios. I want to solidify these rules and make it apparent to what myself and other users might think they should be.
I would also like to help Unpoke with applications. I want to add input on the decision making, and of course if Unpoke is not able to complete applications at the time I will definitely put my effort into it!

Do you understand the responsibilities and agree to keep up with the required quotas: Yes, but I want information from Unpoke and his thought process of being a Manager if he is willing to lend a hand for me so I can understand his routine.

Other Notes: Jr. Manager is not a position, but I think it would become one if someone was to be promoted. I wanted to see what people, including Brass, Unpoke and other staff members think of me becoming a manager. Of course though the manager position is filled, I want to see if I have a chance. I understand that if this gets denied because the position is already filled it is out of my control and I completely understand.

Through my efforts in contributing to the content on the server and staffing, I think I've been here long enough to see if I'm up to the task. Please give your honest opinions.

Messages In This Thread
Mousey- Discord Unmute Request/Manager Application (PROPER FORMAT) - Mousey - 05-07-2020, 11:30 PM

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