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Françoise Appledelhi | Racism / Targeted RDM

(08-31-2020, 07:08 AM)Randall Wrote:  While it is understandable to be more than unhappy with what francoise is apparently doing unless there is video evidence I'm pretty sure no moderator or above can take any action. There has to be concrete evidence to determine that someone gets punished as far as I know. Although I'm not staff so you'd have to double check with other people, but eye witness accounts are not credible and I'm just trying to inform that your best course of action would be to hopefully find someone who has video evidence.

this is almost certainly not correct.

If a few people included in the server screenshot could come to this thread and verify/clarify celery's claims... that would help a lot

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RE: Françoise Appledelhi | Racism / Targeted RDM - DONGERWEED29266602592O3852309764 - 08-31-2020, 03:26 PM

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