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Abusive Junior Mod: Piss something

You were unfortunately in the wrong here. I don't know that it should have resulted in a ban but you seemed, in the time I played with you, to have a weird fixation on calling any time you died an RDM. Beyond the fact that Staff members, two, were directly telling you you were wrong, you had no reason at all to escalate it in the ways you did, by accusing Nyte of Admin Abuse... lol. No way.

On the topic of the "you're white" comments, it was exactly one person who is not staff in any capacity who said that, presumably as a joke. He wasn't met with agreement, I personally immediately started questioning what he meant. You should not start playing the victim about that or imply that the whole server said such things or agreed with them.

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RE: Abusive Junior Mod: Piss something - DONGERWEED29266602592O3852309764 - 10-16-2020, 12:55 PM

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