11-05-2020, 08:18 PM
Steam Name(Current): shmoney dance
Time played on servers?(!time username to check): 1734 hours on TTT and 961 on lobby.
Where did you hear about this server?: honestly no clue anymore, probably just stumbled upon it one day.
Have you ever been banned and why?: yes, i was banned for toxicity, reasonably.
Why do you want to join?: I don't have a good reason, I just feel like having member again would make me feel a little less left out, though it probably wouldn't.
Referred by: nobody.
Additional Details: If I say something that could be taken as offensive or rude I most likely don't mean it, though if you do feel hurt over something I say I will do what I can to not say it around you, or just not say it as a whole, I've been trying to cut down on unnecessary comments that could potentially be rude to someone, and with that being said, thank you for reading.
Steam Name(Current): shmoney dance
Time played on servers?(!time username to check): 1734 hours on TTT and 961 on lobby.
Where did you hear about this server?: honestly no clue anymore, probably just stumbled upon it one day.
Have you ever been banned and why?: yes, i was banned for toxicity, reasonably.
Why do you want to join?: I don't have a good reason, I just feel like having member again would make me feel a little less left out, though it probably wouldn't.
Referred by: nobody.
Additional Details: If I say something that could be taken as offensive or rude I most likely don't mean it, though if you do feel hurt over something I say I will do what I can to not say it around you, or just not say it as a whole, I've been trying to cut down on unnecessary comments that could potentially be rude to someone, and with that being said, thank you for reading.
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